Diverse Instance Generator with Novelty Search and Evolutionary Algorithms
Class to represents a Parallel Genetic Algorithm (ParGA). This algorithm runs the evolution in numberOfCores different cores to speedup the evaluation. Inherits from AbstractGA. More...
#include <ParallelGeneticAlgorithm.h>
Public Member Functions | |
ParallelGeneticAlgorithm () | |
Creates a default ParallelGeneticAlgorithm. Use the ParGABuilder class instead. More... | |
virtual string | getName () const override |
Get the Name. More... | |
virtual void | run () override |
Run the parallel Algorithm. More... | |
int | getNumberOfCores () const |
Get the number of cores used. More... | |
void | setNumberOfCores (int nCores) |
Set the number of cores to use. More... | |
void | setProblem (shared_ptr< Problem< S >> prob) override |
Sets the problem to solve. Receives a share_ptr. More... | |
const Problem< S > * | getProblem () const |
Get a raw pointer to the problem to solve. More... | |
json | to_json () const override |
Generates and returns a JSON representation of the ParallelGeneticAlgorithm. More... | |
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AbstractGA () | |
Creates a new AbstractGA which initialises all parameter to default. The operators will be set to null. More... | |
json | to_json () const override |
Creates and returns JSON object with the GA information. More... | |
virtual Front< S > | getResults () const |
Returns a front with the feasible non repeated individuals in the last population of the Genetic Algorithm. This is the final solution of the algorithm to the problem at hand. More... | |
void | run () override |
Runs the evolutionary process. This is the main EA method. This methods is in charge of: More... | |
void | setProblem (shared_ptr< Problem< S >> prob) override |
Uptades the problem to solve using a share_ptr. The problem must be single-objective. More... | |
void | setProblem (Problem< S > *prob) override |
Uptades the problem to solve using a raw pointer. The problem must be single-objective. More... | |
double | getMutationRate () const |
Gets the mutation rate. More... | |
void | setMutationRate (double mutationRate) |
Updates the mutation rate. More... | |
double | getCrossRate () const |
Gets the crossover rate. More... | |
void | setCrossRate (double crossRate) |
Updates the crossover rate. More... | |
const Mutation< S > * | getMutation () const |
Gets a pointer to the mutation operator. More... | |
void | setMutation (unique_ptr< Mutation< S >> mutation) |
Updates the mutation operator. Takes a unique_ptr pointing to the new Mutation operator and takes the ownership. More... | |
const Crossover< S > * | getCrossover () const |
Returns a raw pointer to the crossover operator. More... | |
void | setCrossover (unique_ptr< Crossover< S >> crossover) |
Updates the crossover operator. Takes a unique_ptr pointing to the new Crossover operator and takes the ownership. More... | |
const Selection< S > * | getSelection () const |
Returns a raw pointer of the selection operator. More... | |
void | setSelection (unique_ptr< Selection< S >> selectionOperator) |
Updates the selection operator. Takes a unique_ptr pointing to the new Selection operator and takes the ownership. More... | |
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AbstractEA () | |
Construct a new Abstract EA object with default parameter values. More... | |
AbstractEA (const int &maxEvals, const int &popsize) | |
AbstractEA constructor which initialises the parameters maxEvalautions and populationSize. More... | |
AbstractEA (unique_ptr< PopulationEvaluator< S >>, const int &maxEvals, const int &popsize) | |
AbstractEA constructor which initialises the parameters maxEvalautions, the populationSize and the evaluator approach. More... | |
int | getPopulationSize () const |
Get the population size. More... | |
void | setPopulationSize (int pSize) |
Setter to update the population size. More... | |
double | getElapsedTime () const |
Get the elapsed time of the evolutionary process. More... | |
const vector< S > & | getPopulation () const |
Gets a reference of the population. More... | |
int | getMaxEvaluations () const |
Get the maximum number of evaluations to perform. More... | |
void | setMaxEvaluations (int maxEval) |
Set a new maximum number of evaluations to perform. More... | |
const Problem< S > * | getProblem () const |
Gets a pointer to the problem which is being solved. More... | |
PopulationEvaluator< S > * | getEvaluator () const |
Gets a pointer to the population evaluator system. More... | |
void | setEvaluator (unique_ptr< PopulationEvaluator< S >> eval) |
Updates the population evaluator system with the unique_ptr. The method takes the ownership of the object behind. More... | |
int | getPerformedEvaluations () const |
Get the performed evaluations. More... | |
void | setPerformedEvaluations (int pEvals) |
Set the Performed Evaluations. Useful for the updateProgress method. More... | |
void | setPopulation (const vector< S > &pop) |
Set the Population. More... | |
virtual Evolution< S > | getEvolution () const |
Get the Evolution data. More... | |
int | getPrintingInterval () const |
Get the interval of checkpoints. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | initProgress () |
Starts the progress of the parallel algorithm Sets the performedEvaluations to the number of individuals in the population. More... | |
virtual void | updateProgress () |
Method which updates the evolutionary progress. This method must be implemented in the subclasses and it should perform thinks like updating the number of performed evaluations, etc. | |
void | runEvolution () |
Main method of the ParallelGeneticAlgorithm. Runs the evolution of the algorithm. More... | |
virtual void | createInitialPopulation () |
Creates the initial population using parallel cores. More... | |
virtual void | reproduction (S &, S &) |
Applies the genetic operators to the given individuals. More... | |
virtual void | replacement (vector< S > &offsp) |
string | getID () const override |
Returns the identificator of the algorithm, this is used in the to_json method. Must be implemented in the subclasses. It should return the acronym of useful id for a particular configuration. More... | |
S | parallelSelection (const int &init, const int &end) |
Parallel selection operator. This methods performs a binary tournament selection in the range [int, end] of the population. Used for speedup the parallel executions. More... | |
void | configureEnv () |
Configures the parallel environment. More... | |
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virtual void | finishProgress () |
Finishes the evolutionary process by computing the elapsed time. More... | |
virtual bool | isStoppingConditionReached () |
Checks whether the evolutionary process has reached the maximum limit. More... | |
virtual void | evaluatePopulation (vector< S > &pop) |
Evaluates the entire population of individuals using the problem evaluation function. More... | |
virtual vector< S > | createMating () |
Generates the mating population of individuals to be evaluated. The individuals are selected and after that the genetic operators are applied here. More... | |
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virtual void | updateEvolution (vector< S > &pop) |
virtual void | updateEvolution (const int &checkpoint, vector< S > &) |
Protected Attributes | |
int | numberOfCores |
int | chunks |
ParallelPRNG | prng |
vector< S > | individuals |
shared_ptr< Problem< S > > | problem |
vector< float > | bestEvolution |
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double | mutationRate |
double | crossRate |
unique_ptr< Mutation< S > > | mutation |
unique_ptr< Crossover< S > > | crossover |
unique_ptr< Selection< S > > | selection |
unique_ptr< Replacement< S > > | replacement |
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int | maxEvaluations |
int | performedEvaluations |
int | populationSize |
vector< S > | population |
shared_ptr< Problem< S > > | problem |
unique_ptr< PopulationEvaluator< S > > | evaluator |
Evolution< S > | evolution |
AvgEvolution< S > | avgEvolution |
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point | startTime |
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point | endTime |
double | elapsedTime |
int | nextCheckpoint |
int | evolutionInterval |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static double | DEFAULT_MUTATION_RATE = 0.05 |
Default mutation rate for GAs set to 0.05. More... | |
static double | DEFAULT_CROSSOVER_RATE = 0.8 |
Default crossover rate to GAs set to 0.8. More... | |
static int | DEFAULT_POPULATION_SIZE = 32 |
Default population size to GAs set to 32 individuals. More... | |
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static const int | DEFAULT_POPULATION_SIZE = 100 |
Default population size equal to 100 individuals. More... | |
static const int | DEFAULT_EVALUATIONS_LIMIT = 100000 |
Default evaluation limit equal to 100000 evaluations. More... | |
static const std::string | NAME = "Algorithm" |
static const std::string | MAX_EVALUATIONS = "Max Evaluations" |
static const std::string | POP_SIZE = "Population Size" |
static const std::string | ELAPSED_TIME = "Elapsed Time" |
static const std::string | EVALUATOR = "Evaluator" |
static const int | EVOLUTION_SIZE = 10 |
Class to represents a Parallel Genetic Algorithm (ParGA). This algorithm runs the evolution in numberOfCores different cores to speedup the evaluation. Inherits from AbstractGA.
S | Type of individual in the population |
ParallelGeneticAlgorithm< S >::ParallelGeneticAlgorithm |
Creates a default ParallelGeneticAlgorithm. Use the ParGABuilder class instead.
Problem | |
S |
protected |
Configures the parallel environment.
S |
protectedvirtual |
Creates the initial population using parallel cores.
V | |
O |
Reimplemented from AbstractGA< S >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Returns the identificator of the algorithm, this is used in the to_json method. Must be implemented in the subclasses. It should return the acronym of useful id for a particular configuration.
Implements AbstractEA< S >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
inline |
Get the number of cores used.
inline |
Get a raw pointer to the problem to solve.
protectedvirtual |
Starts the progress of the parallel algorithm Sets the performedEvaluations to the number of individuals in the population.
Problem | |
S |
Reimplemented from AbstractGA< S >.
protected |
Parallel selection operator. This methods performs a binary tournament selection in the range [int, end] of the population. Used for speedup the parallel executions.
Problem | |
S |
init | |
end |
protectedvirtual |
Applies the genetic operators to the given individuals.
Problem | |
S |
Reimplemented from AbstractGA< S >.
overridevirtual |
Run the parallel Algorithm.
Problem | |
S |
Implements AbstractEA< S >.
protected |
Main method of the ParallelGeneticAlgorithm. Runs the evolution of the algorithm.
Problem | |
S |
inline |
Set the number of cores to use.
nCores |
overridevirtual |
Sets the problem to solve. Receives a share_ptr.
S |
prob |
Reimplemented from AbstractEA< S >.
overridevirtual |
Generates and returns a JSON representation of the ParallelGeneticAlgorithm.
S |
Reimplemented from AbstractEA< S >.
protected |
Chunks of population for each core
protected |
Number of cores to run in parallel
protected |
Random number generator